How are your medicines making you feel?

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Book a medicines review

Over time our bodies change, so to make sure they still work for you your medicines may need to change too. A review is for both you and a healthcare professional to make a decision about your medication together.

It’s important that your medications are reviewed regularly, as:

  • Your condition or circumstances may have changed, and the medicines you were prescribed may no longer be appropriate.
  • It might be better to stop taking your medication, but this will be discussed at your review.

You shouldn’t stop taking your medication without support. If you have any questions or concerns about your medication please speak with your GP practice.

What do you know about medicines reviews?

What to expect at your review

Your review is a confidential appointment between you and a healthcare professional (usually a GP Practice Pharmacist or another qualified health professional such as GP or practice nurse). The aim of the review is to check that the medicines you are prescribed are still working for you and that you are getting the best from them. At your review you may be asked the following questions:


Do you think your medicines are improving your health or stopping it from getting worse?


When was the last time you didn’t take at least one of your medicines?


Have you experienced any unwanted side effects from your medicines?

Frequently asked questions

Track your symptoms

Sometimes it can be difficult to know if some or all your medicines are working for you. Your healthcare professional might ask you to complete a symptom tracker.

A tracker is used:

  • to monitor your current medication
  • to help make decisions about your medication
  • to monitor any changes and make sure the changes are working for you

A review is for both you and a qualified healthcare professional to make a decision about your medication together.

Symptom Tracker with VAS Symptom Tracker

Are your medicines stacking up?

Re-ordering repeat medicines when they aren’t needed can cause big problems for the NHS, leading to wasted resources that would be better spent elsewhere.

Find out more